+7 351 239-90-31

Indoor Packaged Transformer Substations

25 to 2500 kVA, voltage to 10 kV
Indoor Packaged Transformer Substations

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Indoor packaged transformer substations are designed for receipt, conversion and distribution of 3-phase 50 Hz, 6 (10) / 0.4 (0.69) kV alternating current electric power in moderate (N) climate, placement category 3 according to GOST 15150, within intrashop areas.


Power transformer power, kVA
25; 40; 63; 100; 160; 250; 400; 630;1000; 1250; 1600; 2000; 2500
High voltage side rated voltage (HV), kV
6; 10
High-voltage (HV) side maximum operating voltage, kV 7.2; 12
Low-voltage (LV) side rated voltage, kV
0.23; 0.4; 0.6; 0.69
Main circuits AC frequency, Hz 50±1.25
Auxiliary circuits AC frequency, Hz 50±1.25
Insulation level according to GOST 1516.3:
– with dry transformer
– with oil transformer

Normal level "b"
Rated voltage of auxiliary circuits, V:
– AC and DC protection, control and alarm circuits
– voltage transformers circuits
– lighting



Symbol structure

Х KTP Х - Х Х Х Х - Х / Х / Х ХХ

Number of transformers in use (number is omitted if only one transformer is used)

Letter designation of the product: КТП (PTS) is packaged transformer substation manufactured by Chelyabinsk Electric Equipment Plant LLC

Installation classification:

  • В - indoor substation

Design classification:

  • М - modular design

Connection classification:

  • Т - one-ended
  • П – double-ended

Classification of lead-in on HV side:

  • К - cable
  • В – overhead

Classification of lead-in on LV side:

  • К - cable
  • В – overhead
  • Ш - bus

Power transformer power, kVA

HV side voltage, kV

LV side rated voltage, kV

Climatic modification and placement category according to GOST 15150-69

  • Come - we will pay

    Travel expenses, airfare, hotel at our expense

    The promotion is valid until December 1, 2016

  • Delivery at our expense

    When ordering the equipment in the amount of 5 mln. rub.

    The promotion is valid until December 1, 2016

  • Desing classifications

    OPTS classification attributes Design
    In terms of power transformer type
    Oil, sealed oil, sealed with noncombustible liquid
    dielectric, dry, with cast insulation
    In terms of method of design of transformer neutral on low voltage side (LV side)
    With solid-earthed neutral;
    With insulated neutral
    With one transformer;
    With two transformers
    In terms of number of power transformers in use
    With one transformer;
    With two transformers
    Presence of insulation in switchgear on LV side (low-voltage switchgear device)
    With non-insulated buses
    In terms of high-voltage lead-in design Cable (C);Overhead (O)
    In terms of design of leads using cables in LV switchgear Cable (C);Overhead (O)
    In terms of climatic modifications and placement category
    Placement category 1, climatic modification N, NF
    according to GOST 15150, GOST 15543.1


    IPTS structural design

    Unilateral maintenance IPTS consists of high-voltage lead-in cabinets as part of chambers SUM, power transformers and modular-type cabinets of unilateral maintenance LV switchgear of SchO-70 type.

    Bilateral maintenance IPTS consists of high-voltage lead-in cabinets as part of chambers SUM, power transformers, and modular-type cabinets of bilateral maintenance LV switchgear of ShNV, ShNL, ShNS and ShNA types.

    Unilateral maintenance IPTS

    Unilateral maintenance IPTS

    Bilateral maintenance IPTS

    Bilateral maintenance IPTS


    2IPTS - MTKK-1000/10/0.4 N3

    Example. 2IPTS - MTKK-1000/10/0.4 N3


    Компанией ООО Челябинский завод электрооборудования в 2012, согласно заключенному договору, была поставлена Комплектная трансформаторная подстанция внутрицеховой установки КТПВ-2500/6/0,4 (Трансформатор ТСЗ-2500 кВа в защитном кожухе). Поставка была произведена во время, по условиям договора. Так же без задержек специалистами ООО Челябинский завод электрооборудования были проведены шеф-монтажные и пусконаладочные работы.

    Read completely


  • Come - we will pay

    Travel expenses, airfare, hotel at our expense

    The promotion is valid until December 1, 2016

  • Delivery at our expense

    When ordering the equipment in the amount of 5 mln. rub.

    The promotion is valid until December 1, 2016